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Roger Revelle
Biographical Memoirs
By Thomas F. Malone, Edward D. Goldberg,
and Walter H. Munk
This is a great relatively short biography of Roger Revelle. It
highlights his life and his philosophies.
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Excerpt from this page:
ROGER REVELLE WAS ONE of the twentieth century's
most eminent scientists. His life's work personified Ernest Boyer's
four categories of scholarship: discovery, integration, dissemination,
and application of knowledge. He brought his talents in these categories
to bear on the study of the planet we inhabit and our interaction
with that planet. His interests and intellectual reach spanned the
physical, biological, and social sciences, engineering, and the
humanities. He enhanced the status of oceanography in world science,
pioneered in the study of global warming, and brought a fresh approach
to issues of population, world poverty, and hunger. Revelle was
an inspiring leader of scientific enterprises and an insightful
and sagacious educator. He was the intellectual architect for the
creation of a great university. He excelled in the communication
of science and its implications to policy makers and to the public.
Revelle was an exemplary citizen in his community, his country,
and the world. ...more